Staying in the loop with insightful emails about your favorite topics is just a few clicks away! The Custom Topic Tracking feature allows you to follow specific topics or areas of interest that you want to stay up to date on. With this feature, you can follow a specific topic and receive emails related to that topic.

Only users with an account on Pivony have the capability to receive these notifications. They cannot initiate the delivery of these notifications to another email address.

Go to the custom topics view in the dashboard.


Click on the three dots next to the topic you want to follow. You can then click Follow to start following that topic and you'll open the gateway to receiving insightful emails on this topic.


If you want to view and unfollow the topics you are following:

You can check the list of topics you follow by clicking on the "Followed Topics" page on the homepage.


You can view which topics you are following from the "Followed Topics" page. If you no longer wish to follow a topic that you have previously followed, simply click on the three dots next to the topic and press "Unfollow.”


When you follow a topic, the e-mail content you will receive daily includes

Example image of mail content: