
Explanatory Video

Here is a video explanation of exploring a Dashboard

What can I see on the Dashboard page?

The purpose of a Dashboard is to give the user a general overview of the topics that are mostly addressed in a given content (‣ ).

The Dashboard page contains four sections - Overview, AI Topics, Custom Topics and Insight Notes. You can access all your dashboards from the All Dashboards section on the top left corner of the page.


Additionally, you can set them as dynamic to get up-to-date results and you can share the link for your dashboard by clicking on the Share Dashboard option on the top right corner of the page.


To create a new dashboard, you need to go to all dashboard page new you will see “New Dashboard” button. To View details, check how to create step-by-step ( Create a Dashboard ).

Data Overview


Data Overview section offers a summary of statistics and a general overview of the data. You can set the date range of interest for your data set from the calendar selection at the top of the page, under the dashboard title. The data summary in this section provides the first look at your data from a general perspective.

Total Collected Data represents the number of reviews that have been uploaded to the dashboard.

Collected Useful Data represents the number of reviews that have been included in the statistics.