Mobile App Store reviews help you to realize bugs and get interface feedback. People also write their general opinions about the brand/product/company. It is almost impossible to analyze these reviews manually. Pivony's automated AI engine understands the contextual meanings of all of these reviews for you to get the best insights with minimum effort.

Currently, you can do this for Google Play and App Store mobile apps.

This provides you a holistic view to any mobile app available in the market. Also, you can choose specific countries or languages.

How to Create a Mobile App Review Analytics Dashboard?

After you clicked to “New Dashboard”;

  1. Choose the target data source “Mobile App Reviews”


  1. Choose the language and country.

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  1. Provide either App Store links or Google play links on the next page. Also, you can add the start and end date of reviews that you would like to extract.

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  1. Finally, after you are done with all these steps, click submit and grab your coffee. You will get notified in 15-30 minutes when your Dashboard gets ready.