How to create a Dashboard for SurveyMonkey?

First of all, you need to get an Access Token from your SurveyMonkey.

A step-by-step guide to getting the SurveyMonkey access token

  1. To get a SurveyMonkey Access Token you need to have a SurveyMonkey Developer Account. for that visit and click on SignUp

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  1. After successfully creating an account. You need to create a Survey Monkey App. For that, You might be able to see the ‘Create New App’ button on your home screen. Like this

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  1. If not, You need to click on ‘My Apps’

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  1. Then click on ‘Add a New App’

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  1. Then fill in all the details and choose ‘Private App’. After filling in all the details click on ‘Create App’ After creating the app you will have a screen like this. Click on ‘Settings’

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  1. Then go bottom of your screen, and you will see all scopes to choose from. You need to choose “View Surveys”, “View Responses”, and “View Response Details” and make them required to use Pivony’s services. After making the required click on the ‘Update Scopes’ button.

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  1. Scroll up and copy the ‘access token to use Pivony’s services.